Fresh chilled pelagic raw material of superior quality ensures Prima marine oils and meal

Product quality depends entirely on good raw materials. In order to ensure the highest possible quality of our products, we have a requirement for human quality of the raw material. Prima Protein has a comprehensive quality and environmental policy and we use the recognized HACCP principles in the production process. We strive for the highest standards in all processes – health, safety, environment, customer requirements, social responsibility, ethical principles and employee rights. Respect and humility underlie all our actions and decisions.

Quality control

Feed and food safety are an integral part of our quality control system, and our policy focus on fulfilling the highest standards given in the feed and food chain.

We have incorporated GMP+ standards into our policy guidelines. The management system is regularly audited by an external independent party.

All batches are tested at an independent laboratory for chemical composition and microbiological control Prima Protein produces a quality and traceability certificate for each shipment of fishmeal and -oil originating from our factory.

Prima Protein cooperates with our customers and suppliers in a positive way, and exchange views on quality and cost optimization.


MarinTrust, formerly known as IFFO RS is a global standard and certification program for responsible and sustainable production of fishmeal and fish oil. 

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GMP + FSA is an international standard for feed safety that integrates HACCP and other elements into a certification that guarantees safety, reliability, quality and sustainability.

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U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Prima Protein is registered with the US Food and Drug Administration – the US federal agency responsible for food / feed and drug safety.

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