Sustainability: respect and care for the environment

The global population is rapidly growing. As we grow older, richer and more urban, new markets are emerging and the purchasing power is rising. This leads to an increased demand for food, especially nutritious marine proteins. At the same time, climate change is weakening production conditions in several parts of the world. Therefore, the food we will produce in the future must be produced in a more sustainable and energy efficient way.

We have a responsibility to future generations to manage natural resources along the Norwegian coast in a way that allows for significant volume growth, increased processing and better utilization of the raw material.

Our environmental policy is focused on respect and care for the environment. We are committed to identifying and minimizing negative consequences and risk factors that may affect people and/or the environment. We will work with customers and suppliers who share our view of environmental responsibility.


Sustainable harvesting of wild fish requires functioning marine ecosystems. A basic principle at Prima Protein is to contribute to a healthy ecosystem. To achieve this, we will only utilize raw material from responsibly managed fisheries in our production of marine meal and oils. 

At all levels, we strive to use natural resources efficiently and prioritize the use of renewable resources that are managed sustainably.

We are energy efficient and environmentally friendly, we use LNG, and are subject to stringent emission requirements.


Renewable resources

Prima Protein promotes fishing management principles for responsible fishing defined by IFFO RS (International Fish Food Organization), MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) and FAO (United Nations Organization for Nutrition and Agriculture). We comply with the Landing Regulations’ requirements for receiving and trading of fish from Norwegian vessels wherever they are located, and from foreign vessels located in Norway’s economic zone.

The production of marine meal and oils at Prima Protein is based on long-term conservation of fisheries and contribute to healthy ecosystems. Only raw materials recommended and approved by an officially recognized authority shall be used. The review will be based on publicly available scientific information on the long-term impact and conservation of fisheries and the ecosystem.

Illegal fishing
Prima Protein will not accept raw material derived from illegal fishing activity or from vessels officially registered in the IUU list (Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing) or the Norwegian Black list.

Endangered species
Our suppliers should not use species or by-products of species that are classified as critically endangered on the IUCN Red List (International Union for Conservation of Nature). Species listed as vulnerable are not eligible for use as by-products.


Environmental goals and our social responsibility

We will measure and live by our own environmental performance, including focus on energy reduction, minimization of emissions to the external environment and product substitution.

Our employees must feel responsible for the environment and participate actively in environmental and energy-reducing work.

We must protect the local environment and the diversity of nature in the best possible way.

We commit to use equipment based on BAT (Best Available Technology) to the greatest extent possible.

The Norwegian Transparency Act

 The Transparency Act is a Norwegian legislation that establishes legal requirements for larger enterprises’ duty to report on the work they do to ensure compliance with fundamental human rights and decent working conditions in the enterprises themselves, in their supply chains and with their business partners.

Prima Protein (part of Prima Blue) strives to uphold fundamental human rights and ensure decent working conditions across the entire value chain.

Our Trancsparencey Act Statement can be downloaded here.